Cad Cam Development

Category Archive

The following is a list of all entries from the OpenGL category.

How to integrate 3D Studio with Nvidia PhysX?

This post presents a description on how to integrate 3D Studio work with PhysX. There question on how to load a mesh created in 3D studio and apply it to PhysX has been widely set on various forums. As a result a simple OpenGL PhysX mesh browser has been created. Explanatory video and images have been published.

13 steps to perform CSG Tree Raycasting

There are numerous examples of normal ray casting. Almost everyone has heard about CSG. Each computer graphics book has printed a csg ray traced image. Performing Constructive Solid Geometrical operations is crucial in CAD/CAM and almost in every computer graphics application. I’m going to explain you some main ideas on csg ray casting that will help you to develop your own code. The article covers only implicit representation of surfaces does not present any knowledge about parametrical. Source code is included.

Unmanaged C++ OpenGL Drawing and C# (WinForms/WPF) interoperability

This post describes how to execute unmanaged C++ OpenGL drawing on windows forms and WPF to achieve very fast and reliable graphics rendering over stunning GUI done in WPF or Windows Forms. There other tasks that use this kind of cross-platform rendering like digitall sculpturing programs, CUDA simulations which requires speed, sophisticated graphics performance or special usage of special technology like CUDA and nice UI that would allow for controlling the process that is going in behind. So it’s important to know how to combine those technologies and really worth doing! Two solutions to this problem have been meticulously described and discussed.